Ciao Ragazze,
mancano pochissimi giorni al tanto atteso Halloween, non so voi, ma io amo questa festa, amo l'atmosfera che si crea, le luci, i colori, i volti truccati ed i bellissimi vestiti che sfilano per le strade bussando alle porte della gente a chiedere il famosissimo "dolcetto o scherzetto?"
Vi propongo un po' di foto relativi al cibo, alle luci, agli abiti ed al Make-up
A Presto :*
Hello Girls,
missing a few days the long-awaited Halloween, do not know about you, but I love this party, I love the atmosphere that is created, the lights, the colors, the faces made up and beautiful clothes parading through the streets knocking on doors of people to ask the famous "trick or treat?"
I propose a bit 'of photos related to the food, the lights, the clothes and the make-up
See you soon: *
Hello Girls,
missing a few days the long-awaited Halloween, do not know about you, but I love this party, I love the atmosphere that is created, the lights, the colors, the faces made up and beautiful clothes parading through the streets knocking on doors of people to ask the famous "trick or treat?"
I propose a bit 'of photos related to the food, the lights, the clothes and the make-up
See you soon: *