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Il vincitore sarà scelto entro 5 giorni dalla fine del giveaway. Il vestito sarà a 16.99 $ solo il 23 Gennaio !
Ecco per voi, care fans, un coupon: forVday !
Potete risparmiare ancora il 10 % Valido soltanto il 23 Gennaio !! Non perdetelo
Valentine’s Day Giveaway! Open worldwide!
How to get:
1. Add a comment on the product page via Facebook account to show your love to the dress :
2. Tell me you have done it by leaving me a comment following this post.
1 lucky winner will be picked 5 days later.
Btw, the amazing dress will be only $16.99 on 23rd Jan GMT. Save 53%.
Here is an inner coupon for you, my lovely fans: forVday
It can save another 10%, valid on 23rd Jan GMT only. Don’t miss out, girls!